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'데몬툴즈'에 해당되는 글 1건
[Schizo!, 2009. 4. 25. 10:55, 자료]
이제 윈도우7 베타에서 되는군요.

Changes in DT 4.30.4 compared to the previous version 4.30.3:

What's new:
- Windows 7 beta supporting (SPTD 1.58);
- Protected images creation: Password field on Disc Imaging dialog;
- Compressed images creation: Compress option on Disc Imaging dialog;
- Image Catalog item was moved to the first level of Main Menu;
- mdf-file type association option;
- Languages updates.

Bugs fixed:
- Devices speeds detection;
- Lite-ON DHXXXXX drives supporting;
- Large RAID volumes issue;
- Mounting/converting B6T DVD images;
- Setup improving: Unicode supporting;
- Some minor GUI bugs.


'자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

윈도우XP 임베디드테마  (0) 2008.11.14
바탕화면  (0) 2008.10.23
HD TUNE 2.53 한글판  (0) 2008.04.27
imation usb  (2) 2008.03.29

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