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[Schizo!, 2007. 9. 28. 20:30, study/toeic]

Mini Test

파트 5


Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with _____.

a) caring b) careful c) care d) carefully

- care

*전치사 + 명사/대명사/동명사(-ing)

*with care = carefully

*불가산명사 - 셀 수 없는 명사 (언제나 단수)

furniture, equipment, merchandise, baggage/luggage, information, advice 등

*delicate = fragile, frail, weak

101. The publishers suggested that the envelopes be sent to _____ by courier so that the film can be developed as soon as possible.

a) they b) their c) theirs d) them

- them

*전치사 다음의 대명사는 목적격

they - their - them - theirs

*주장, 명령, 소망, 요구, 제안, 결정, 충고, 추천 동사 + that 주어 + 원형

(insist, command, order, demand, request, require, ask, suggest, propose, decide, advise, recommend)

*by courier 퀵서비스로

*so that 주어 can/may ~: ~할 수 있도록 (목적)

*so 형/부 that ~: 너무 ~해서 그 결과 ~하다

*develop 현상하다

*as soon as possible = asap, ASAP 가능한 한 빨리

102. Board members _____ carefully define their goals and objectives for the agency before the monthly meeting next week.

a) had b) should c) used d) have

- should

*조동사 + 원형

*be + -ing (진행)

*be + pp. (수동)

*have + pp. (완료)

*used to 원형: -하곤 했다

*be used to 명/-ing: -에 익숙하다

*monthly/daily/weekly/yearly 형용사, 부사 둘 다 가능

*board 명) 칠판, 위원회(board of directors)

동) 탑승하다(get on)

103. For business relations to continue between our two firms, a satisfactory agreement must be _____ reached and signed.

a) yet b) both c) either d) as well as

- both

*between (둘) 사이에 >> 전치사

*among (셋 이상) 사이에 >> 전치사

*satisfactory 만족스런

*satisfy 만족시키다

*satisfaction 만족

*be satisfied/content/pleased with ~: ~에 만족하다

*both A and B: 둘 다

*either A or B: 둘 중 하나

*neither A nor B: 둘 다 ~아니다

*not only A but (also) B: A뿐만 아니라 B도 역시

= B as well as A

104. The corporation, which underwent a major restructuring seven years ago, has been growing steadily _____ five years.

a) for b) on c) from d) since

- for

*undergo - underwent - undergone

*undergo = go through = experience

*~ ago >> 과거 시제에만 사용

*have been -ing: 현재완료 진행형

*for five years 5년동안 (불특정 기간을 나타내는 for)

*since 1971: 1971년부터 (과거 시점과 함께 사용되는 since)

>> since 는 완료 시제와 함께 사용

*which (관계대명사) >> 선행사가 사물, 동물일 때

*who (관계대명사) >> 선행사가 사람일 때

105. Making advance arrangements for audiovisual equipment is _____ recommended for all seminars.

a) sternly b) strikingly c) stringently d) strongly

- strongly

*동명사, to 부정사 주어 >> 단수 취급

*make arrangements for: ~를 준비/마련하다

*advance approval: 사전 승인

*advance tickets: 예매권

*in advance: 미리, 사전에 (beforehand)

*recommend strongly: 강력히 추천/권고하다

106. Two assistants will be required to _____ reporters' names when they arrive at the press conference.

a) remark b) check c) notify d) ensure

- check

*assistant 보조원, 조수

*assistance 도움 (help, aid)

*be required to do = should do ~해야한다

*when ~: 시간 부사절 >> 미래 대신 현재형, 미래완료 대신 현재완료형 사용 (will arrive: x)

*press conference 기자회견

*notify/inform A of B: A에게 B를 알리다/통보하다

*without notice: 통보/예고없이

107. The present government has an excellent _____ to increase exports.

a) popularity b) regularity c) celebrity d) opportunity

- opportunity

*present 명) 선물, 현재

형) 참석중인(서술적), 현재의 (한정적)

동) A with B = B to A: A에게 B를 제공/제시하다

*관사 + 부사 + 형용사 + 명사

*관사 + 형용사 + 명사

*관사 + 명사

*관사: a/an/the

108. While you are in the building, please wear your identification badge at all times so that you are _____ as a company employee.

a) recognize b) recognizing c) recognizable d) recognizably

- recognizable

*while (접) + 주어 + 동사

*during (전) + 명/대/-ing

*please + 동사원형

*늘, 항상: always, all the time, at all times

*so that ~: (목적) -할 수 있도록

*recognize 알아보다

*recognizable: 알아볼 수 있는

*as (전): -로서

*identification badge: 신분증

109. Our studies show that increases in worker productivity have nor been adequately rewarded by significant increases in _____.

a) compensation b) commodity c) compilation d) complacency

- compensation

*show/indicate/demonstrate/suggest that ~: 보여주다, 나타내다

*increase in : -의 증가

*drop/decrease in: -의 감소

*productivity: 생산성

*produce 명) 농산물 동) 생산하다

*production 생산(량)

*productive 생산적인

*adequately 충분히, 적절하게

*be rewarded: 보상받다

*significant 중대한, 상당한(considerable)

*compensation 보상

*compensate for = make up for 보상/보충하다

*get/be reimbursed for: ~에 대해 변상/배상받다

110. Conservatives predict that government finances will remain _____ during the period of the investigation.

a) authoritative b) summarized c) examined d) stable

- stable

*conservative 보수주의자

*liberal 개방주의자, 자유주의자

*predict that ~: 예상하다

*finances 재정 상태

*remain/stay/seem + 형용사/분사: (2형식 동사)

*remain stable: 안정을 유지하다

*stability 안정성

*stabilize 안정적으로 유지하다

*investigation 조사, 수사

*investigate = look into: 조사하다

111. Mr. Kobayashi spoke quite _____ while he was making sales presentation.

a) exciting b) excitable c) excitedly d) excitement

- excitedly

*speak - spoke - spoken

*부사: 동사, 형용사, 부사, 문장 전체 수식

*make a presentation: 발표하다

*sales division: 영업부

*sales representative: 영업 사원, 대리점

*while (접) + 주어 + 동사

*during (전) + 명사

112. It is essential that we operate ____ the parameters of time and a limited budget.

a) among b) about c) within d) onto

- within

*within (전): ~이내에 (범위, 한계)

*within three weeks: 3주 이내에

*parameters 한계, 제한 범위

*budget 예산

*limited 제한된

*It is essential/imperative/necessary/important that + 주어 + 동사원형

113. The success _____ the new manufacturing process has doubled the number of requests for the product.

a) to b) of c) for d) by

- of

*the success of ~: ~의 성공

*manufacturing process: 제조 공정

*double: 두 배로 만들다

*requests/demands/needs for ~: ~에 대한 요구

114. Interviewees should be given the company brochure to read _____ they are waiting for their interviews.

a) during b) after c) with d) while

- while

*interviewee: 면접 응시생

*interviewer: 면접 시험관

*be given: 받다

*brochure: 안내 책자 (pamphlet)

*while (접) + 주어 + 동사

*wait for = await: ~를 기다리다

*접속사: while, because, though, although, unless, before

*전치사: during, because of, in spite of, despite, without, prior to

파트 6

141. According to the press release, the company is planning (on) introduce several new machines in the coming year.

- on > to

*according to 명사: ~에 따르면

*according as + 주어 + 동사

*press release: 언론 보도

*press conference: 기자회견

*plan to 원형

*plan on + 명사/-ing

*數: several, many, a few, few

*量: much, a little, little

*in the coming year = in the next year: 다음 해에

142. A total of ten (thousand of) dollars was spent on radio advertising, despite recent requests for budget-cutting measures.

- thousand of > thousand

*ten thousand: 10,000

*thousands of: 수천의

*spend 시간/돈 on 사물: ~에 돈/시간을 소비하다

*despite = in spite of: ~에도 불구하고

*requests/demands/needs for: ~에 대한 요구

*budget-cutting: 예산 삭감

*measures, steps, actions: 조치

*조치를 취하다: take measures/steps/actions

143. Employees will be reimbursed for business travel expenses incurred while on assignment away from the normal (work located).

- work location

*be reimbursed for: ~에 대해 변상받다

*incur: 초래시키다

*~ expenses (which are) incurred: 주격 관계대명사 + be 생략

*on assignment = on duty 근무중

*from (전치사) 뒤에는 명사형: work located > work location (근무지)

*be located at/in: ~에 위치하다

144. The staff was told by their supervisor that the new safety inspection schedule would take effect (on the end) of the year.

- at the end

*at the end of the year: 연말에

*by the end of the year: 연말까지 (완료)

*staff: 직원들 (문맥에 따라 단/복수 가능)

*safety inspection: 안전 검사

*safety standards: 안전 기준 (복수형 주의)

*take effect = come into effect = become effective: 실행되다, 실시되다

145. Your new credit card will bring you benefits that (provides) greater financial flexibility.

- provide

*관계대명사 주격과 동사 일치 문제

: 선행사가 benefits(복수)이므로: provides > provide (3월 기출문제)

*benefits: 회사 복지 제도 (상여금)

*financial flexibility: 재정상의 융통성

146. Last week the President (has announced) more taxes on many crops grown for overseas markets.

- announced

*last week, three years ago, yesterday 등 > 과거시제

: has announced > announced

*taxes on: ~에 대한 세금

*(which are) grown: 주격 관계대명사 + be 생략

*overseas market: 해외시장 = international market

147. The computer software industry is (one of most) competitive markets in today's technologically advanced society.

- one of the most

*industry: 산업, 근면

*industrial 산업의

*industrious 근면한 = diligent

*one of the 최상급 + 복수명사

: one of most > one of the most

*competitive: 경쟁력 있는, 경쟁이 치열한

*compete with: ~와 경쟁하다

*competitor 경쟁자, 경쟁업체

*competition 경쟁

*competitiveness 경쟁력

*technologically advanced society: 부사 + 형용사 + 명사 (어순 주의)

유형학습 Part 5

101. Battery-operated reading lamps _____ very well right now.

a) sale b) sold c) are selling d) were sold

- are selling

*battery-operated: 배터리로 작동되는 (램프는 작동시키다의 대상)

ex) The machine is being operated.

*sell: 팔리다 (자동사에 수동의 의미가 담겨 있음)

*right now = at the moment 지금

102. In order to place a call outside the office, you have to _____ nine first.

a) tip b) make c) dial d) number

- dial

*in order to do = so as to do: ~하기 위해서 (목적)

*place/make a call: 전화 걸다

*dial nine: 9번을 누르다 (요즘 다이얼 방식은 거의 없지만 습관적으로 dial을 사용함)

103. We are pleased to inform _____ that the missing order has been found.

a) you b) your c) yours d) yourself

- you

*inform A that ~: (A는 목적어)

*inform A of B = notify A of B = remind A of B

> A에게 B를 알리다/상기시키다

*missing 분실된 (lost): missed를 사용하지 않는다

*have/has been pp. : 현재완료 수동태 (3월 기출문제)

104. Unfortunately neither Mr. Sachs _____ Ms. Flynn will be able to attend the awards banquet this evening.

a) but b) and c) nor d) either

- nor

*등위 상관접속사

both A and B: 둘 다

either A or B: 둘 중 하나

neither A nor B: 둘 다 아니다

not only A but (also) B = B as well as A: A뿐만 아니라 B도 역시

*will be able to do: can, be able to 의 미래

*attend the meeting: 회의에 참석하다

= be present at the meeting = be in attendance at the meeting

*awards banquet 시상식

105. According to the manufacturer, the new generator is capable of _____ the amount of power consumed by our facility by nearly ten percent.

a) reduced b) reducing c) reduce d) reduces

- reducing

*according to 명: ~에 따르면

*according as 주어 + 동사: ~에 따르면

*in accordance with: ~와 일치하는

*manufacturer 제조업체

*generator 발전기

*be capable of -ing = be able to do: ~할 수 있다

*reduce = cut down = diminish = decrease 줄이다, 감소시키다

*reduction 감소, 감면

*power 전력

*(which is) consumed: 주격 관계대명사 + be 생략

*consume 소비하다

*consumption 소비

*consumer 소비자

*by nearly ten percent: 거의 10% 만큼

*nearly = almost 거의

*near 가까운, 가까이

*hard 열심히; 어려운, 단단한

*hardly = scarcely, seldom, rarely 거의/좀처럼 ~않다

*late 늦은, 늦게

*lately 최근에 = recently = of late

106. After the main course, choose from our wide _____ of homemade desserts.

a) varied b) various c) vary d) variety

- variety

*main course: 주요리

*a variety of = various 다양한 = diverse

*dessert 후식

*desert 사막; 버리다

107. One of the most frequent complaints among airline passengers is that there is not _____ legroom.

a) enough b) many c) very d) plenty

- enough

*one of the 최상급 + 복수명사

(형용사의 최상급 앞에는 the를 꼭 쓴다)

*complaint 불평

*complain of/about : 불평하다

*complain that 주어 + 동사

*among: (셋 이상) ~중에서

*between A and B: (둘) 사이에

*enough 충분한 (수, 양 공통)

*legroom: 발 뻗을 공간

108. Faculty members are planning to _____ a party in honor of Dr. Walker, who will retire at the end of the semester.

a) carry b) do c) hold d) take

- hold

*faculty member: 교직원

*plan to do

*plan on -ing

*hold a party: 파티를 열다

*hold a conference/meeting: 회의를 열다

*be held = take place: 개최되다

*in honor of: ~를 위하여

*retire 은퇴하다 > retirement 은퇴, 퇴직

*resign 사직하다 > resignation 사직

*at the end of the semester: 학기 말에

*at the end of the month: 월말에

*at the end of the year: 연말에

109. Many employees seem more _____ now about how to use the new telephone system than they did before they attended the workshop.

a) confusion b) confuse c) confused d) confusing

- confused

*employ 고용하다 (hire)

*employer 고용주

*employee 종업원, 직원

*seem + 형용사 보어 (분사도 일종의 형용사)

*감정동사의 분사형

현재분사: 사물 주어 (confusing, interesting, surprising, disappointing)

과거분사: 사람 주어 (confused, interested, surprised, disappointed)

*how to do: ~하는 방법

*비교급 ~ than

*did = seemed (confused)

*attend the worksop: 강습회에 참석하다

*workshop = session, training session, symposium, conference, meeting

*동의어, 반의어 학습도 토익에서는 필수적입니다. 영영사전 활용 습관이 요구됩니다. > Longman, Oxford

110. _____ our production figures improve in the near future, we foresee having to hire more people between now and July.

a) During b) Only c) Unless d) Because

- Unless

*unless(접속사) + 주어 + 동사: ~하지 않는다면

*production figures: 생산 수량

*improve 향상되다

*in the near future: 가까운 장래에

*foresee 전망하다, 예상하다

*between A and B: (둘) 사이에

111. The prime minister is expected to arrive at the convention hall at _____ 7:00 P.M.

a) approximated b) approximates

c) approximate d) approximately

- d

*prime minister 국무총리, 수상

*be expected to do = be scheduled/due/supposed to do: ~할 예정이다

*arrive at/in: ~에 도착하다

= get to = reach

*convention hall = convention center 회의장

*대략: approximately, about, around, roughly

*P.M. = post meridiem 오후

*A.M. = ante meridiem 오전

112. Responses to the proposed work schedule changes are _____ outstanding from several departments.

a) until b) yet c) still d) since

- c

*responses/reactions to: ~에 대한 반응

*위 문장의 주어는? responses

*still 여전히 (지속성)

*yet : 부정문(아직), 의문문(벌써) > 완료 구문

*already : 긍정문 (벌써), 의문문 (아니 벌써) > 완료 구문

*outstanding: 미해결의, 미지불된, 계류중인; 뛰어난

113. As the filming location has not yet been _____, the release date has been postponed.

a) detained b) determined c) delayed d) deleted

- b

*As = Because, Since (이유)

*filming location 촬영지

*determine 결정하다

*release date 개봉일, 발표일

*have been pp.: 현재완료 수동태

*have been -ing: 현재완료 진행형

*be being pp.: 진행 수동태

*postpone 연기하다, 미루다 = put off = delay

114. Extreme _____ should be used when the forklift truck is being operated.

a) caution b) cautioned c) cautiously d) cautious

- a

*명사: 주어, 보어, (타동사나 전치사의) 목적어 역할

*extreme 극도의

*extremity 끝 = tip

*extremely 매우, 극도로

*caution 주의

*forklift truck 지게차

*be being pp.: 진행 수동태

115. The county hospital is currently _____ volunteers to staff the reception.

a) look to b) looking for c) looking around d) looking into

- b

*village < county < town < city < province/ state

*currently = presently 현재, 지금

*look for = search for 찾아보다

*look into = investigate 조사하다

*look after = take care of = care for 돌보다

*look through = browse 훑어보다

*volunteer 자원봉사자

*staff ~에서 일하다

*reception 접수처; 환영회; 피로연

*receptionist 접수계원

116. We are a major international company with a growing number of _____ in Norh America.

a) inferences b) instances c) instincts d) interests

- d

*a growing number of: 점점 더 많은 수의

*interest 동업자

117. The report indicates that the Tibrook Fund is acting properly by delivering policy advice _____ rather than announcing it to the public.

a) privacy b) privately c) private d) privatize

- b

*indicate that ~: ~라고 나타내다

*properly 적절하게

*by -ing: ~함으로써 (기출)

*privately 사적으로, 비밀리에

*privacy 사적 비밀

*privatize 민영화하다

*nationalize 국영화하다

*B rather than A = not so much A as B: A라기 보다는 B

*the public 일반 대중

118. This presentation will demonstrate how Metron computers are superior _____ those of our competitors in terms of both features and speed.

a) from b) than c) to d) as

- c

*presentation 발표, 발표회

*give/make a presentation 발표하다

*demonstrate 입증하다, 보여주다 = show

*라틴어 비교급

superior to = better than

inferior to = worse than

senior to = older than

junior to = younger than

prior to = before

posterior to = after

*those of = the computers of

*competitor 경쟁업체

*competitive 경쟁력 있는

*competitiveness 경쟁력

*competition 경쟁

*compete with ~와 경쟁하다

*in terms of ~의 관점에서

*both A and B; 둘 다

*feature 기능, 특징

119. The Executive Council of the Fashion Buyer's Congress is _____ of fifteen members from various branches of the fashion industry.

a) compose b) composing c) composed d) to compose

- c

*executive council 최고 집행 위원회

*congress 협회, 의회

*be composed of = be made up of = consist of ~로 구성되다

*various 다양한

*branch 분야 = field

*fashion industry 패션 업계

120. Though their performance was relatively unpolished, the actors held the audience's _____ for the duration of the play.

a) attentive b) attentively c) attention d) attentiveness

- c

*though, although, even if, even though: 접속사 (양보)

*performance 공연

*relatively 비교적

*unpolished 다듬어지지 않은, 미숙한

*hold - held - held

*hold/attract/draw one's attention: 주의를 끌다

*pay attention to ~에 관심을 기울이다

*for the duration of = during ~동안

*play 연극

121. Dr. Abernathy's donation to Owston College broke the record for the largest private gift _____ given to the campus.

a) always b) rarely c) once d) ever

- d

*donation 기부금 = gift

*break the record 기록을 깨다

*private 개인의, 사적인

*gift that had ever been given ~ (주격 관계대명사 + be 생략)

> gift ever given ~ : ever (이제까지, 그때까지)

122. Savat National park is _____ by train, bus, charter plane, and rental car.

a) accessible b) accessing c) accessibility c) accesses

- a

*national park 국립 공원

*accessible 접근할 수 있는

*have access to ~: ~에 접근할 수 있다

*access ~에 접근하다

*charter plane 전세 비행기

123. In Piazzo's latest architectural project, he hopes to _____ his flare for blending contemporary and traditional ideals.

a) demonstrate b) appear c) valve d) position

- a

*latest 최근의, 최신의

*architectural 건축의

*architecture 건축물

*architect 건축가

*demonstrate 증명하다, 보여주다 = show

*flare/passion/enthusiam/zeal for ~: ~에 대한 열정

*blend 혼합하다 = mix

*contemporary 동시대의, 현대적인 (modern)

*traditional 전통적인

*conventional weapons 재래식 무기

*ideal 이상

124. Replacing the office equipment that the company purchased only three years ago seems quite _____.

a) waste b) wasteful c) wasting d) wasted

- b

*replacing (주어) : 동명사나 to 부정사가 주어일 땐 > 단수취급 (seems)

*replace A with B: A를 B로 교체하다

*equipment 장비, 설비 (불가산명사)

*불가산명사: furniture, clothing, merchandise, machinery, baggage, luggage, equipment, advice, information, resistance

*purchase 구매하다 = buy

*only three years ago: ago가 나오면 언제나 과거 시제 (purchased)

*seem, remain, stay + 형용사 보어

*wasteful 낭비적인

125. On _____, employees reach their peak performance level when they have been on the job for at least two years.

a) common b) standard c) average d) general

- c

*on average 평균적으로

*in general = generally 일반적으로

*have much in common: 공통점이 많다

*have little in common 공통점이 거의 없다

*reach ~에 이르다

*reach for ~를 잡으려고 손을 뻗다

*peak performance level 최고의 실적 수준

*at least 최소한, 적어도 = not less than

126. We were _____ unaware of the problems with the air-conditioning units in the hotel rooms until this week.

a) complete b) completely c) completed d) completing

- b

*부사의 기능: 동사, 형용사, 부사, 문장 전체 수식

*be unaware of = be ignorant of = don't know

*be aware of = know

*problems/troubles with ~의 문제

*air-conditioning units 냉방 장치

*not A until/till B: B하고 나서야 A하다

*completely 완전히, 전혀 (3월 기출)

ex) fill out the form completely (양식을 완벽하게 작성하다)

127. If you send in an order _____ mail, we recommend that you phone our sales division directly to confirm the order.

a) near b) by c) for d) on

- b

*조건 (if, unless), 시간 (when, until, after, before, as soon as, once) 부사절: 미래 대신 현재 시제

*send in = hand in = turn in = submit 제출하다, 보내다

*by mail 우편으로

*by ship 배로

*recommend (추천하다) that 주어 + 동사원형

*phone = call = telephone = get in touch with = contact = check with ~에 연락하다

*sales division 영업부

*sales representative 영업 사원(salesperson), 대리점 (dealer)

*directly 즉시 = immediately = at once = right away

*confirm 확인하다

128. A recent global survey suggests _____ demand for aluminum and tin will remain at its current level for the next five to ten years.

a) which b) it c) that d) both

- c

*survey 연구, 조사 (study, research)

*suggest that ~: 시사하다

*suggest that 주어 + 원형 : 제안하다

*demand for ~에 대한 수요

*requests/needs/requirements for

*at its current level: 현재 수준에

*for the next five years 다음 5년 동안 (the를 꼭 쓴다)

*tin 주석

129. Rates for the use of recreational facilities o not include tax and are subject to change without _____.

a) signal b) cash c) report d) notice

- d

*rates for ~에 대한 요금

*recreational facilities 오락/유흥 시설

*tax 세금

*be subject to change 변경되기 쉽다 (change는 명사)

*without notice: 예고/통보 없이

130. We conduct our audits in accordance _____ generally accepted auditing standards.

a) of b) with c) in d) across

- b

*conduct 시행하다 = lead

*audit 회계감사

*auditor 회계감사위원

*in accordance with ~에 따라

*according to ~에 따르면

*generally accepted auditing standards: 일반적으로 통용되는 회계감사 기준 (부사 + 형용사 + 명사)

*safety standards: 안전 기준 (standards: 복수형에 주의)

131. The Director of Educational Programs works collaboratively with the Ministry of Education to _____ that the programs are meeting the needs of the institution.

a) ensure b) define c) accept d) imply

- a

*Director of Educational Programs: 교육 프로그램 회장

*work collaboratively with : ~와 협력하다 = collaborate with

*collaboration 협력

*Ministry of Education 교육부

*ensure 확실하게 하다, 보증하다

*meet 충족시키다 = satisfy

*needs 요구사항

*institution 교육 기관

132. Armstrong has the _____ management team of the three companies under consideration.

a) impressive b) more impressive

c) impressively d) most impressive

- d

*the 최상급 of the 복수명사

*the 최상급 in the 단체/지역

*impressive 인상적인, 훌륭한

*management team 경영팀

*of the three companies : 3개 회사 중에서

*under consideration 고려중인

*take ~ into consideration/account = consider 고려하다

133. There are over thirty keyboard commands that can prompt word-processing procedures, but common usage _____ only a few.

a) involves b) receives c) subscribes d) corresponds

- a

*There are 복수명사

*There is 단수명사

*over = more than

*commands 명령어

*prompt 유발하다

*word-processing procedures 문서 처리 절차

*common 일반적인

*usage 용도

*involve 포함하다 = include

*only a few (keyboard commands)

134. The recent storms have led to the _____ closure of our overseas office.

a) temporal b) temporary c) temporarily d) temporaries

- b

*recent 최근의

*recently 최근에 = lately = of late

*lead - led - led

*lead to = result in = contribute to = bring about = cause 초래하다

*temporary 임시의, 일시적인 = transient

*permanent 영구적인 = everlasting = enduring

*closure 폐쇄

*overseas office 해외 사무실

*overseas division 해외 부서 = international division

*overseas call = international call 국제 전화

*from overseas 해외로부터

135. "Accounts receivable" is money owed to a company, _____ "accounts payable" is money owed by the company to creditors.

a) whereas b) otherwise c) such as d) in order that

- a

*accounts receivable 수취 계정, 미수금

*accounts payable 지불 계정, 미불금

*owe A B = owe B to A: A에게 B를 빚지고 있다

*owing to = because of = on account of = due to ~때문에

*,whereas 반면에 = on the other hand = while

*creditor 채권자

*debtor 채무자

136. Cooks must remember that some raw foods are very _____ and should be refrigerated or chilled until ready to be eaten or cooked.

a) peripheral b) perishable c) periodic d) permanent

- b

*cook 요리사; 요리하다

*raw 익히지 않은

*perishable 상하기 쉬운, 부패하기 쉬운

*refrigerate 냉장 보관하다

*refrigerator 냉장고

*chill 차갑게 하다

*until (they are) ready ~

*be ready to do: ~할 준비가 되다

*eat - ate - eaten

137. If savings could have been elsewhere, we _____ to give financial support to local community service organizations last year.

a) continue b) continued

c) had continued d) would have continued

- d

*가정법 과거완료: 과거 사실의 반대

If 주어 had pp., 주어 would/should/could/might have pp.

*if절의 변형: had pp. > could have pp.

*savings 저축

*elsewhere 다른 곳에

*financial support 재정적인 지원

*local community service organization 지역 봉사 활동 단체

138. The telecommunications department is completing a detailed _____ of each factory site to determine the types of equipment and features needed in each area.

a) elaboration b) evolution c) evaluation d) expansion

- c

*telecommunications department 원격통신부

*complete 완료하다 = finish

*detailed 상세한

*in as much detail as possible 가능한 한 상세하게

*evaluation 평가 작업

*factory site 공장 부지

*determine 결정하다

*type 종류

*equipment 장비 (불가산명사)

*be equipped with ~를 갖추고 있다

*feature 기능, 특징

139. Proposed changes that are not _____ with existing safety regulations will not be considered.

a) dependent b) compliant c) relating d) supportive

- b

*proposed changes 제안된 변경 사항

*be compliant with = comply with ~에 따르다

*existing 기존의, 현재의

*safety regulations 안전 규정

*safety standards 안전 기준

*safety inspection 안전 검사

*consider 고려하다

*주어는 changes, 동사는 will not be considered

140. The lecture will cover the relevant methods of _____ the impact of currency fluctuations on international transactions.

a) determination b) determined c) determining d) determine

- c

*lecture 강의

*cover = handle = deal with = take care of 다루다, 처리하다

*relevant 적절한, 관련 있는

*method 방법

*전치사 + 명사/대명사/동명사(-ing)

*determine 결정하다

*determined 결심이 굳은

*determination 결심, 결정

*동명사: 동사적 기능 + 명사적 기능

*of determining the impact ~ = of the determination of the impact ~

*impact 영향, 효과 = influence = effect

*have an impact/influence/effect on ~에 영향을 미치다

*currency fluctuations 통화 변동

*international transactions 국제 거래

유형학습 파트 6

141. (Being) sure to complete the evaluation form before you leave the seminar.

*Being > Be

*명령문: Be sure to do: 반드시 ~하시오.

*be sure to do = be bound to do

*complete 작성하다 = fill out = fill in

*evaluation form 평가서

*application form 지원서, 신청서

*before/after 전치사, 접속사

142. The years I spent working with the children's home (was) the most rewarding of my life.

*was > were (주어는 the years: 시간의 경과는 복수 취급)

*시간, 거리, 가격, 무게는 단수 취급이 원칙 (시간의 경과는 예외)

*spend 시간 ~ing: ~하면서 시간을 보내다

*The years (which) I spent ~

*children's home 어린이집

*rewarding 보람있는

143. After checking the features of the X120 computer, we finally decided to buy (the another) model.

*the another > another

*after ~ing: ~한 후에

*check 점검하다

*feature 기능, 특징

*decide to do: 결정하다

*another + 단수명사

*the other + 단수명사

*other + 복수명사

144. Although the reorganization of the storage system caused some disruption at first, there were (much) benefits.

*much > many

*수: many, several, a few, few + 복수명사

*양: much, a little, little + 단수명사

*although, though, even if, even though: 양보접속사 (비록 ~일지라도)

*reorganization 재조직, 재편성

*storage 저장, 보관

*store 저장/보관하다

*cause 초래하다, 야기하다 = result in = bring about = contribute to

*some/any (수, 양 공통)

*at first 처음에는 = in the beginning = initially

*for the first time 처음으로

*disruption 혼란, 방해

*benefits 이득, 사내 복지 제도 (가산명사)

*there is/was + 단수명사

*there are/were + 복수명사

145. If clients do not know (how respond) to a questionnaire item, ask them to circle "I don't know."

*how respond > how to respond; how they should respond (어떻게 답변할 지)

*client 고객

*respond to ~: ~에 답변하다 = answer

*questionnaire 설문지, 질문서

*item 항목; 물품

*circle ~에 동그라미를 그리다

146. An increasing number of companies (has changed) dress codes, allowing employees to wear casual clothing in the work place.

*has changed > have changed (수의 일치)

*a number of 복수 + 복수동사

*the number of 복수 + 단수동사

*increasing = mounting 증가하는

*dress codes 복장 규정

*, allowing = , and have allowed (분사구문)

*allow A to do = permit A to do 허용하다

*casual clothing 평상복 (clothing: 불가산명사)

*work place 작업장

*work location 근무처

147. When you send a fax from this machine, remember to enter the area code (for number) that you are dialing.

*for number > for the number (관계사절의 수식을 받는 경우: 정관사)

*remember to do: ~할 것을 기억하다

*remember ~ing: ~한 것을 기억하다

*enter 입력하다

*area code 지역 번호

*dial nine 9번을 누르다

148. Before submitting the draft document to the vice president, see that it has been reviewed (thorough).

*thorough > thoroughly (동사 수식 부사)

*before ~ing: ~하기 전에

*submit 제출하다 = hand/turn/send in

*draft document 문서 초안

*draft beer 생맥주

*draft ~의 초안을 작성하다

*vice president 부사장

*see that = see to it that ~: ~하도록 유의하다

*have been pp: 완료수동태

*review 검토하다

*thoroughly 철저하게, 충분히

*thorough 철저한, 충분한

149. (Even) we had been behind schedule at one point, the proposal was submitted on time.

*Even > Even if, Even though, Though, Although

*even 부사: ~조차도

*본문에는 접속사가 필요함

*behind schedule 예정보다 늦은

*ahead of schedule 예정보다 빠른

*on schedule = as scheduled 예정대로

*proposal 제안서

*submit = turn in = hand in = send in 제출하다

*on time 정시에

150. The new lounge furniture has arrived and will be in place by the (end next week).

*end next week > end of next week

*lounge 휴게실

*furniture 가구 (불가산명사)

*in place 제 자리에 놓여진

*다음 주 말까지: by the end of next week

*다음 주 말에: at the end of next week

151. Effective immediately, Craig Wu will be the new branch (management of) the Mottsboro division.

*management of > manager of

*effective 효력을 나타내는

*immediately 즉시

*branch manager 지사장, 지점장

*management 경영진

*division 지사, 지점

152. Monica moved to the city last year because she was tired (for) driving so far to work every morning.

*for > of

*be tired of = be sick of = be fed up with ~에 질리다

*so far 그렇게 멀리

*drive to work 차로 출근하다

153. Perhaps Mr. Rhenquist is not quite as well qualified for the position as Mr. Robbins (does).

*does > is

*does, do, did는 앞에 일반동사가 나올 경우 대동사 기능을 한다.

*as 원급 as

*not as/so 원급 as

*be qualified for ~에 대한 자격이 있다

154. Designing and implementing successful incentive pay plans (are) a complex undertaking for any business.

*are > is

*동명사, to 부정사 주어 > 단수 취급

*implement 시행하다

*incentive pay 상여금

*complex 복잡한

*undertaking 기획

*for any business 어떤 사업이든지

155. Shipment of windows ordered on or near the fifteenth of the month will be (delay) due to staffing shortages.

*delay > delayed

*be + ~ing 진행형

*be + pp. 수동태

*shipment 운송

*(which are) ordered

*delay 지연시키다 = postpone = put off

*due to 명 = because of 명: ~ 때문에

*due to 원형 = scheduled to 원형: ~할 예정인

*staffing shortages 직원 부족

*staff 직원을 두다

156. From next year, the London office will be responsible (of) all the European news coverage.

*of > for

*be responsible for = be in charge of ~를 담당하다, 책임지다

*news coverage 뉴스 보도

*cover 보도하다

157. Revitalization of the transportation system would be a major (victor) for Glenville, which is showing signs of recovering following years of economic decline.

*victor (승자) > victory (승리, 성공)

*revitalization 소생, 부활

*sign 징후, 조짐

*economic decline 경기 침체 = recession, downturn, slowdown, slump

*호경기: boom, upturn

*회복 추세: recovery, rebound

158. Ms. Jacobs in Personnel can be relied upon to provide (an excellent) advice on how to conduct interviews with job applicants.

*an excellent > excellent

*advice, information, hair, equipment, furniture, luggage, resistance, merchandise, machinery, clothing > 불가산명사

*rely upon/on = depend on, count on ~에 의지하다

*advice on ~에 관한 조언

*conduct = lead 이끌다

*job applicant 구직자

*apply for ~에 지원하다

*application form 지원서

159. The provincial government is offering Bristol Corporation a $10-million incentive package to build (a new) office buildings in the center of Selisburg.

*a new > new (복수명사 앞에는 관사 X)

*provicial government 주 정부

*incentive package 장려금 = subsidy

160. Clients using travel agency vouchers should stay in hotels that accept vouchers and should present (it) on arrival.

*it > them (vouchers가 복수이므로)

*client 고객

*using ~ = who use ~

*travel agency 여행사

*travel agent 여행사 직원

*(gift) voucher 상품권

*meal voucher 식권

*accept 받아들이다

*present 제시하다

*on arrival 도착 즉시

*on approval 승인 즉시

*upon receipt of ~: ~를 받는 즉시 = upon/on receiving ~

*upon request 요청 즉시

실제문제 70

Part 5

35. Please note that customs regulations do not permit the shipment of _____ items.

a) perishable b) compatible c) sustainable d) incredible

- a

*note that ~에 주의하다

*customs regulations 세관 규정

*customs declaration 세관 신고

*permit 허용하다, 허가하다 = allow

*shipment 운송, 발송

*perishable 상하기 쉬운

*items 물품

36. Brencorp has demonstrated a strong _____ to employee development through its many incentive programs.

a) committing b) committed c) committee d) commitment

- d

*demonstrate 입증하다, 보여주다

*commitment 약속, 전념

*employee development 사원 개발

*through (수단) ~를 통하여

*incentive 장려금

37. Prolonged _____ to moisture can adversely affect the proper functioning of its audio unit.

a) enclosure b) exposure c) exclusion d) exertion

- b

*prolonged 장기적인 = long-term

*exposure to ~에 대한 노출

*expose 노출시키다

*moisture 습기, 수분

*moist 습기가 있는

*adversely 역으로

*adverse effect 역효과

*affect = influence = impact ~에 영향을 미치다

*proper functioning 올바른 기능

*audio unit 오디오 장치

38. Despite an exceptionally small rice harvest, analysts predict that the Tarvo Republic will not need to rely on _____ staple foods this year.

a) import b) imports c) imported d) importer

- c

*despite = in spite of = with all ~에도 불구하고

*exceptionally 예외적으로, 유별나게

*small harvest 적은 수확량

*analyst 분석가

*analyze 분석하다

*analysis 분석

*predict that ~라고 예상하다

*republic 공화국

*rely on = depend/count on ~에 의존/의지하다

*imported staple foods 수입된 주식(主食)

*~ing 능동, 진행

*~ed 수동, 완료

39. Warning! This strap must be fastened _____ around the crates in order to hold the load in place.

a) minutely b) securely c) portably d) thickly

- b

*strap 끈, 띠

*fasten 매다

*securely 안전하게 = tightly (동사 수식: 부사)

*crate = box

*in order to do = so as to do ~하도록 (목적)

*hold ~ in place: 제 자리에 고정시키다

*load 짐

40. Construction engineers _____ that damage from last week's flood will exceed $50,000.

a) estimates b) is estimating

c) have estimated d) have been estimated

- c

*construction 건축

*estimate 추정하다, 어림잡다

*flood 홍수

*exceed ~를 초과하다

41. When changing jobs, it is important to consider _____ salary and benefits.

a) both b) either c) yet d) or

- a

*change jobs 직업을 바꾸다

*consider 고려하다 = take into account = take into consideration

*both A and B

*either A or B

*neither A nor B

*not only A but also B = B as well as A

42. The train station is _____ located near museums, monuments, and other tourist attractions in the city.

a) conditionally b) conveniently

c) affordably d) belatedly

- b

*be conveniently located 편리한 곳에 위치해 있다

*tourist attractions 관광 명소

*monument 기념관

43. Last year, requisition orders for children's clothes increased more than orders for all other types of _____.

a) apparel b) appearances c) apparatus d) appliance

- a

*requisition order 주문서

*type 종류 = line, kind, sort

*apparel 의복 = clothes

44. Check _____ that information on the bill and the receipt match exactly before submitting your records.

a) care b) careful c) carefully d) carefulness

- c

*동사 + 부사 (4월에는 cautiously, rapidly 등 출제)

*match 일치하다

*submit = turn/hand/send in 제출하다

*bill 청구서 = statement

*receipt 영수증

45. Lifelong learning is the only way to remain _____ in today's job market, according to economist Chun Ho Suk.

a) competitor b) competition

c) competitive d) competed

- c

*lifelong learning 평생 교육

*remain + 형용사 보어

*remain competitive 경쟁력을 유지하다

*competitiveness 경쟁력

*compete for ~를 위해 경쟁하다 (4월 기출)

*competition 경쟁

*compete with ~와 경쟁하다

*competitor 경쟁업체, 경쟁자

*competent 유능한 = efficient

*job market 구직 시장

46. Not only _____ the suppliers send the wrong components, but they also sent them to the wrong department.

a) had b) did c) were d) have

- b

*not only A but (also) B = B as well as A : A뿐만 아니라 B도 역시

*부정어 + 동사 + 주어 (도치 구문)

*supplier 공급업체

*components = parts 부품

*department 부서

47. Even when two parties seem radically opposed to one _____, an effective negotiator can help find common ground.

a) other b) the other c) another d) others

- c

*one another 서로 (셋 이상)

*each other 서로 (둘 사이)

> 문맥상 당사자가 셋 이상임

*party 당사자

*radically 근본적으로

*be opposed to 명: ~에 반대하다

*effective = competent 유능한

*negotiator 협상가, 중재자 = mediator

*negotiate 협상하다

*negotiation 협상

*help + (to) 원형: ~하는 것을 돕다

*common ground 일치점, 공통점

48. The Trade Ministry's report _____ that the growing scarcity of skilled labor is limiting business expansion.

a) asserts b) refers c) recites d) calls

- a

*Trade Ministry 무역부

*assert that 주장하다 = argue/maintain that

*growing = increasing = escalating 증가하는

*scarcity 부족, 결핍 = lack

*skilled 숙련된 = experienced

*labor 노동력

*limit 제한하다

*expansion 확장

Part 6

49. The machinery we sell is (assembling in) this country, but most of the parts come from abroad.

답) assembling in > assembled in (수동태)

*machinery 기계 (불가산명사)

*assemble = put together 조립하다

*most of the parts 부품 대부분 = most parts = almost all (of) the parts

*from abroad 해외로부터

50. The applicants who meet the requirements for the position (they will) be contacted in order to schedule an on-site interview.

답) they will > will (주어의 중복)

*applicant 지원자 cf. application 지원서 (4월 기출)

*meet = satisfy 충족시키다

*requirements for ~에 대한 요구사항

*position 직책

*contact ~에게 연락하다 = call, phone, telephone, check with, get in touch with

*in order to do = so as to do ~하기 위하여

*on-site interview 현장 면접

51. (Because) rising incomes and falling mortgage rates, sales of residences and commercial buildings reached another monthly high last week.

답) Because > Because of (전치사 +명사; 접속사 +주어 + 동사)

*rising 증가하는 = escalating = increasing

*income 소득 = revenue

*falling 감소하는 = dropping

*mortgage rates 저당 이율

*sales 판매량

*residence 주택, 저택

*commercial building 상가 건물

*high 최고치

*low 최저치

52. An important factor (should be) considered is Mr. Lopez' ability to keep the new restaurant going for several months with limited revenue.

답) should be > to be (뒤에 본동사 is가 있으므로)

*factor 요소, 요인

*consider 고려하다

*to be considered (고려되어야 할): 부정사의 수동태 (3월 기출)

*ability to do: ~할 능력 (4월 기출)

*keep 목적어 ~ing (능동)

*keep 목적어 pp. (수동)

*for several months 몇 달 동안 (several + 복수명사)

*for another month 한 달 더 (4월 기출)

*limited 한정된, 제한된

*revenue 수입, 소득 = income

53. This year, the judges had the difficult yet enjoyable task of selecting twelve winning photos from the many (who) were entered.

답) who > which/that (선행사가 사물: many photos)

*yet = but

*task 일

*winning 상을 받는

*enter 출품하다

54. While he worked as a (travel agency), Mr. Nakamura specialized in arranging tours of the Middle East.

답) travel agency (여행사) > travel agent (여행사 직원)

*while 주어 + 동사

*during + 명사

*specialize in ~를 전문으로 하다

*major in ~를 전공하다

*arrange = schedule 준비하다

*make arrangements for ~를 준비하다

55. The accounting supervisor was displeased to learn that the budget report would not be finished (by time).

답) by time > in/on time (제 때에, 정시에)

*accounting supervisor 회계부장

*displeased 불쾌한

*budget report 예산 보고서

56. Electronics Superstore has announced that it will (have closed) early for the upcoming holiday next week.

답) have closed > be closed, close (단순미래)

*next week 다음 주 : 미래 시점

*미래완료 (will have pp): 미래를 기준으로 동작/상태의 완료/경험/결과/계속을 나타낸다.

*upcoming 다가오는, 임박한

실전테스트 1

파트 5

101. Answering telephone calls is the _____ of an operator.

a) responsible b) responsibly c) responsive d) responsibility

답) responsibility (관사 뒤에 명사)

*Answering ~ (동명사 주어) > 단수 취급

*responsibility 의무, 책임 = duty, obligation

*operator 교환

*be responsible for = be in charge of ~를 담당하다

102. A free watch will be provided with every purchase of $20.00 or more for a _____ period of time.

a) limit b) limits c) limited d) limiting

답) limited (명사 앞 형용사: 분사도 형용사)

*free = complimentary 무료의

*for free = for nothing 무료로

*be provided with 사물

*be provided for/to 사람

*$20.00 or more = at least $20.00

*for a limited period of time: 한정된 기간동안

103. The president of the corporation has _____ arrived in Copenhagen and will meet with the Minister of Trade on Monday morning.

a) still b) yet c) already d) soon

답) already (긍정문, 완료)

*yet (부정문, 의문문, 완료)

*still (지속성; 여전히)

*the president of the corporation 기업 회장

*meet with = have a meeting with

*the Minister of Trade 무역부 장관

*on Monday morning

*in the morning

*on Monday

104. Because we value your business, we have _____ for card members like you to receive one thousand dollars of complimentary life insurance.

a) arrange b) arranged c) arranges d) arranging

답) arranged (have + pp.: 완료)

*be + -ing (진행, 능동)

*be + pp. (수동태)

*조동사 + 동사원형

*value 가치를 인정하다, 존중하다

*arrange 준비하다

*like you 당신과 같은

*complimentary = free 무료의

*life insurance 생명보험

105. Employees are _____ that due to the new government regulations, there is to be no smoking in the factory.

a) reminded b) respected c) remembered d) reacted

답) reminded

*Employees are reminded that ~ = We remind employees that ~ 직원들에게 알립니다

*remind A of B/ remind A to do/ remind A that ~: A에게 B를 상기시키다

*due to 명사 = because of 명사: ~ 때문에

*due to do = scheduled to do ~할 예정인

*regulations 규정

*there is to be = there is going to be

106. Ms. Galera gave a long _____ in honor of the retiring vice-president.

a) speak b) speaker c) speaking d) speech

답) speech (형용사 + 명사)

*give/make/deliver a speech 연설하다

*in honor of ~: ~를 위하여

*retiring 은퇴하는

*retired 은퇴한

*vice-president 부사장

107. Any person who is _____ in volunteering his or her time for the campaign should send this office a letter of intent.

a) interest b) interested c) interesting d) interestingly

답) interested

*be interested in ~에 관심이 있다

*Any person 누구든지

*volunteer 자원봉사하다

*a letter of intent 의사서한, 의향서, 신청서

108. Mr. Gonzales was very concerned _____ the upcoming board of directors meeting.

a) to b) about c) at d) upon

답) about

*be concerned about = be worried about ~에 대해 걱정하다

*upcoming 다가오는

*board of directors 이사회

109. The customers were told that no _____ could be made on weekend nights because the restaurant was too busy.

a) delays b) cuisines c) reservations d) violations

답) reservations (문맥)

*customer = client = patron 고객

*were told = heard 들었다

*make a reservation 예약하다

*delay 지연

*cuisine 고급 요리

*violation 위반

*violate 위반하다

110. The sales representative's presentation was difficult to understand _____ he spoke very quickly.

a) because b) although c) so that d) than

답) because (원인)

*sales representative 영업사원; 대리점(dealer)

*presentation 발표

*present A with B; present B to A: A에게 B를 제공하다

*전치사 + 명사/-ing

*접속사 + 주어 + 동사

*speak - spoke - spoken

*although = though = even if = even though 비록 ~일지라도

*so that ~ = in order that ~: ~하기 위하여

*비교급 than

111. It has been predicted that an _____ weak dollar will stimulate tourism in the United States.

a) increased b) increasingly c) increases d) increase

답) increasingly (weak 수식: 형용사 앞에는 부사)

*It has been predicted that ~ = We have predicted that ~

*an increasingly weak dollar 점점 약해지는 달러화

*stimulate = expedite = prompt 촉진시키다

*tourism 관광 산업

112. The firm is not liable for damage resulting from circumstances _____ its control.

a) beyond b) above c) inside d) around

답) beyond

*firm 회사 = company, corporation

*be liable for ~에 대한 배상 책임이 있다

*be liable to do = be likely to do = be apt to do ~하기 쉽다

*damage 피해

*result from 원인

*result in 결과

*circumstances 상황

*beyond control = out of control 통제할 수 없는

*under control 통제 가능한

113. Because of _____ weather conditions, California has an advantage in the production of fruits and vegetables.

a) favorite b) favor c) favorable d) favorably

답) favorable (유리한)

*weather conditions 날씨 상황

*advantage 이점, 장점

*production 생산

*productivity 생산성

*favorite 가장 좋아하는

*favor 호의; ~에 찬성하다

*in favor of: ~에 찬성하는

114. On international shipments, all duties and taxes are paid by the _____.

a) recipient b) receiving c) receipt d) receptive

답) recipient (수령인, 받는 사람)

*international shipments 국제 운송

*duties 관세

*taxes 세금

*pay - paid - paid

*receipt 영수증, 수령

*upon receipt of ~: ~를 받자마자

115. Although the textbook gives a definitive answer, wise managers will look for _____ own creative solutions.

a) them b) their c) theirs d) they

답) their

*they - their - them - theirs - themselves

*소유격 + own + 명사: 자신의 ~

*although = though = even if = even though (양보)

*definitive 결정적인

*definite 명확한

*look for ~를 찾아보다 = search for

*creative 창의적인

*creativity 창의력

*solution 해결책 = answer

116. Initial _____ regarding the merger of the companies took place yesterday at the Plaza Conference Center.

a) negotiations b) dedications c) propositions d) announcements

답) negotiations

*initial 최초의 = first = original

*regarding = concerning = as to = about ~에 관한

*merger 합병

*merge with ~와 합병하다

*take place = be held 개최되다, 열리다

*take - took - taken

*dedication 헌신, 전념

*dedicated 헌신적인 (4월 기출)

*be dedicated to 명사/-ing: ~에 헌신하다

*proposition 제안 = proposal

*make an announcement 발표하다

117. Please _____ photocopies of all relevant documents to this office ten days prior to your performance review date.

a) emerge b) substantiate c) adapt d) submit

답) submit 제출하다 = hand/turn/send in

*Please + 동사원형 (명령문: 4월 기출)

*relevant 관련된

*ten days prior to ~: ~ 10일 전에 (4월 기출) = ten days before ~

*performance review date 업무평가일

118. The auditor's results for the five-year period under study were _____ the accountant's.

a) same b) same as c) the same d) the same as

답) the same as ~와 동일한 = identical to

*be similar to ~와 유사하다

*auditor 회계감사관

*audit 회계감사

*auditing procedures 회계감사 절차

*under study 조사중인

*account 회계사

119. _____ has the marketing environment been more complex and subject to change.

a) Totally b) Negatively c) Decidedly d) Rarely

답) Rarely (좀처럼 ~않다 = seldom)

*부정어 + 동사 + 주어 (도치구문)

*준분정어: (hardly, scarcely, seldom, rarely: 거의 ~않다), (little, few: 거의 없다)

*marketing environment 마케팅 환경

*be subject to change: 변경되기 쉽다

120. All full-time staff are eligible to participate in the revised health plan, which becomes effective the first _____ the month.

a) of b) to c) from d) for

답) of

*the first of the month: 다음 달 1일에

*at the end of the month: 이 달 말에

*full-time staff = regular staff 정규직원들

*part-time staff = temporary staff 임시직원들

*be eligible to 원형: ~할 자격이 있다

*be eligible for 명사: ~에 대한 자격이 있다

*participate in = take part in ~에 참가하다

*revised 변경된

*revision 변경

*revise 변경하다

*become effective = come into effect = take effect 시행되다

121. Contracts must be read _____ before they are signed.

a) thoroughness b) more thorough c) thorough d) thoroughly

- thoroughly (철저하게): 동사 수식 부사

*contract 계약서

*must be read : must read 의 수동태

122. Passengers should allow for _____ travel time to the airport in rush hour traffic.

a) addition b) additive c) additionally d) additional

- additional (추가적인): 명사 수식 형용사 = extra, another

*allow for = consider = take into account/consideration 고려하다

*rush hour 출퇴근시간

*additive 첨가제

*addition 추가

*in addition to = besides = as well as ~뿐만 아니라

123. This fiscal year, the engineering team has worked well together on all phases of project _____.

a) development b) developed c) develops d) developer

- development : 개발 (전치사 뒤 명사)

*fiscal year 회계연도

*work on ~에 종사하다

*project development 프로젝트 개발

*all phases of ~: 모든 단계의 ~

124. Mr. Dupont had no _____ how long it would take to drive downtown.

a) knowledge b) thought c) idea d) willingness

- idea : 숙어 (have no idea = don't know)

*had no idea = didn't know

*take (시간이) 걸리다

*be willing to do: 기꺼이 ~하다

*be unwilling to do = be reluctant to do 마지못해 ~하다

125. Small-company stocks usually benefit _____ the so-called January effect that causes the price of these stocks to rise between November and January.

a) unless b) from c) to d) since

- from

*benefit from ~로부터 이익을 얻다

*stocks = shares 주식

*securities 유가증권 (주식, 채권)

*stockholder = shareholder 주주

*stock/share market 주식시장

*so-called 이른바

*effect 효과

*cause + 목적어 + to do

*rise 오르다 = go up = increase

*between A and B: A와 B 사이에

126. It has been suggested that employees _____ to work in their current positions until the quarterly review is finished.

a) continuity b) continue c) continuing d) continuous

- continue (that 절에 동사가 없다)

*It has been suggested that ~ = They have suggested that ~

*suggest/ask/request/require/recommend that 주어 + 원형

*continue to do = continue ~ing 계속 ~하다

*current 현재의

*currency 통화

*quarterly review 분기별 평가

*until (시간 부사절): 미래 대신 현재 시제

127. It is admirable that Ms. Jin wishes to handle all transactions by _____, but it might be better if several people shared the responsibility.

a) she b) herself c) her d) hers

- herself

*by oneself = alone; without help (홀로, 도움 없이)

*admirable 감탄할만한

*transaction 거래, 업무

*it might be better if several people shared ~: 가정법 과거 (현재사실의 반대)

*several + 복수명사

*share 함께 나누다, 공유하다

*responsibility 책임, 의무 = duty, obligation

128. This new highway construction project will help the company _____.

a) diversify b) clarify c) intensify d) modify

- diversify (사업을 다양화하다)

*construction 공사

*under construction 공사중

*help + 목적어 + (to) 원형

*diversify 다양화하다

*diverse 다양한 (3월 기출)

*clarify 명확하게 하다

*intensify 강화시키다

*modify 수정하다

129. Ms. Patel has handed in an _____ business plan to the director.

a) anxious b) evident c) eager d) outstanding

- outstanding 뛰어난, 훌륭한 (remarkable)

*hand in = send/turn/give in 제출하다 = submit

*director 이사

*be anxious to do = be eager to do ~하기를 갈망하다 = long to do

130. Recent changes in heating oil costs have affected _____ production of furniture.

a) local b) locality c) locally d) location

- local (명사 앞 형용사)

*recent 최근의

*heating oil costs 난방용 기름 값

*affect = influence = impact = have an influence/effect/impact on ~에 영향을 미치다

*production 생산, 생산량

*productivity 생산성

*location 위치

*work location 근무지

131. That is the position for _____ Mr. Kaslov has applied, but a final decision has not yet been made.

a) which b) whom c) that d) what

- which (선행사가 position)

*That is the position. Mr. Kaslov has applied for it.

*apply for ~에 지원하다

*position 직책

*applicant 지원자

*application (form) 지원서, 신청서

*final decision 최종 결정

*make a decision 결정하다

132. Any unsatisfactory item must be returned within 30 days and _____ by the original receipt from this store.

a) altered b) adjusted c) accepted d) accompanied

- accompanied (be accompanied by ~: ~를 첨부하다)

*unsatisfactory 불만족스런

*item 물품, 품목; 항목

*must be returned < must return 의 수동태

*return 반품/반납하다

*within 30 days: 30일 이내에 (4월 기출)

*original receipt 영수증 원본

*alter = change 변경하다 = revise

*adjust 조절하다

*accept 받아들이다

133. A list of telephone _____ that will be out of service while the new communications system is installed is available from the main office.

a) extensions b) extending c) extended d) extends

- extensions (구내전화, 내선)

*A list of ~ is available ~. 주어는 a list, 동사는 is

*out of service 사용하지 못하는

*communications system 통신 시스템

*install 설치하다

*available 이용할 수 있는 = obtainable

*unavailable 이용할 수 없는

*extend 연장하다, 뻗다

134. Please _____ your flight number at least 24 hours in advance.

a) confirm b) concur c) conduct d) concord

- confirm 확인하다

*Please + 동사원형

*in advance 미리, 사전에 = beforehand

*concur with: 의견이 일치하다, 동시에 발생하다

*conduct 지휘하다, 수행하다

*concord 의견의 일치

135. The first year's sales of the new calculator were so _____ that the firm decided to withdraw it from the market.

a) discouragement b) discourage c) discouraging d) discouraged

- discouraging (실망스런)

*사람 + discouraged, surprised, disappointed, interested, excited, impressed, satisfied

*사물 + discouraging, surprising, disappointing, interesting, exciting, impressive, satisfactory

*sales 판매량

*calculator 계산기

*so 형/부 that ~ (결과 구문)

*withdraw 회수하다 = retrieve, retract

136. From an investor's viewpoint, getting _____ advice is the key to making sound investment decisions.

a) unjudged b) unbiased c) inanimated d) impatient

- unbiased (편견 없는)

*investor 투자가

*viewpoint 견해

*the key to ~: ~에 대한 열쇠

*sound investment decisions 확실한/건실한 투자 결정

*make a decision 결정하다

*impatient 참을성 없는

*inanimate 생기가 없는

137. Staff members are reminded that professional _____ is a daily requirement of the company.

a) attire b) ambivalence c) assembly d) approach

- attire 복장

*apparel, attire, clothing > 불가산명사

*staff members 직원들

*A is reminded that ~: A에게 ~를 알리다

*professional attire 전문가다운 복장

*requirement 요구사항

138. Ms. Lee did _____ good work on that project that she was quickly offered a promotion.

a) too b) such c) so d) much

- such

*such (a/an) 형 + 명 that ~

*so 형/부 that ~

*so many/much/little/few 명 that ~

*be offered a promotion 승진 제의를 받다

*be/get promoted = get a promotion 승진하다

139. We have approached the proposal with a good deal of _____ since some of the ideas put forward are very unconventional.

a) cautioned b) caution c) cautious d) cautiously

- caution (전치사 뒤 명사)

*approach ~에 접근하다 (X approach to)

*proposal 제안서

*with (a good deal of) caution = cautiously 주의해서, 신중하게 = with care = carefully

*since ~ = as, because (이유)

*ideas (which were) put forward

*put forward 제시하다, 제안하다

*unconventional = not conventional = liberal 자유로운

140. _____ higher ticket prices this year, attendance at area theaters remains above average.

a) Even though b) Nevertheless c) In spite of d) Consequently

- In spite of (~에도 불구하고: 전치사)

*in spite of, despite (전치사) + 명사/-ing

*though, although, even if, even though (접속사) + 주어 + 동사

*price, cost, salary, wages : high/low로 수식

*attendance 관객수 = occupancy

*area theater = local theater

*above average 평균 이상의 ↔ below average

*on average 평균적으로

*nevertheless 하지만 (부사)

*consequently 따라서 (부사)

실전테스트 1

파트 6

141. The Pinebrook Inn has a courtesy bus which runs every thirty minutes both (to from) the downtown area.

- to from > to and from (and 탈락)

*inn 여관

*courtesy bus 손님용 버스

*courtesy card 우대 카드

*run 운행하다

*every thirty minutes 30분마다

*every hour on the hour 매시간 정각마다

*both A and B = not only A but also B = B as well as A

142. We (appreciate it) your interest in our company and look forward to hearing from you soon.

- appreciate it > appreciate (목적어의 중복)

*appreciate ~에 감사하다

*I'd appreciate it if 주어 + 동사

*interest in ~에 대한 관심

*look forward to 명/-ing: ~를 고대하다

*hear from ~로부터 소식을 받다

*hear of ~에 대한 소문을 듣다

143. In the event (for) any changes need to be made in the document, please call our office immediately.

- for > that

*in the event of 명: ~할 경우에는

*in the event that 주어 + 동사

*make changes 변경하다

*immediately 즉시 = at once

144. Each banking transaction (were handled) quickly and efficiently by well-trained tellers.

- were handled > was handled

*each, every : 단수동사

*banking transaction 은행 업무/거래

*handle 처리하다 = deal with

*efficiently 효율적으로

*well-trained 교육받은

*teller 금전출납원

145. We recommend that you follow the (formatted) shown in this sample when preparing announcements to be displayed on the bulletin board.

○ formatted → format (관사 뒤에는 명사)

*recommend/ask/request/require that 주어 + 원형

*(which is) shown ~

*show - showed - shown/showed

*when (you are) preparing ~

*announcement 안내문

*to be displayed 게시될 (수동태 부정사)

*bulletin board 게시판

146. Bennett International has decided to expand its borrowing to make up (with) a decline in investment returns.

○ with → for

*make up for = compensate for ~를 보충하다

*make up with 사람: ~와 화해하다

*expand 확장하다

*borrowing 대출

*a decline/drop/decrease in ~: ~의 감소

*investment returns 투자 수익

147. Ms. Rivera is going to write (to manager) to complain about the poor service she received during her stay at the hotel.

○ to manager → to the manager (특정인)

*manager 지배인, 관리자

*complain about/of ~: ~에 대해 불평하다

*complain that 주어 + 동사

*stay 머무는 기간

148. One proposal suggests relocating the central offices (at) the suburbs to obtain needed space.

○ at → to (relocate A to B)

*proposal 제안서

*suggest ~ing: 제안하다

*relocate A to B: A를 B로 이전하다 = move A to B

*suburbs 교외

*obtain 얻다

*needed space 필요한 공간

149. Consumers are usually willing to buy more of an item as its price falls (because of) they want to save money.

- because of > because (주어 + 동사 앞에는 접속사)

*consumer 소비자

*be willing to do: 기꺼이 ~하다

*be unwilling/reluctant to do: ~하기를 꺼리다

*item 물품, 항목

*as = when ~할 때 (접속사)

*fall = drop = go down = decrease = decline (가격이) 떨어지다

*전치사 + 명사/-ing: because of/ despite/ in spite of/ during/ without/ prior to

*접속사 + 주어 + 동사: because/ though/ although/ even if/ even though/ while/ before

*전치사/접속사 공통: before/after, until, since (-이래로)

*save money 돈을 절약하다

150. Substantial penalties (will be charging) whenever a customer withdraws funds from this account prior to the maturity date.

- will be charging > will be charged (수동태)

*substantial = significant = considerable 상당한

*penalty 벌금

*will be charged 부과될 것이다 (주어는 charge의 목적어, 고로 수동태)

*whenever = every time ~할 때마다 (접속사)

*customer 고객 = client

*withdraw 인출하다; 취소하다

*fund 기금, 자금

*account 계좌

*prior to ~전에

*maturity date 만기일

151. We have taken special (caring) to see that the merchandise has been packed according to your instructions.

- caring > care (형용사 뒤 명사)

*take care 주의하다

*caring 자상한 (형용사)

*see that = see to it that: ~하도록 유의하다

*merchandise 상품 (불가산명사)

*pack 포장하다

*unpack 포장을 풀다

*according to: ~에 따라

*instruction 지시사항

152. For a list of books available through the library system, (consultation) the computer terminal near the reference desk.

- consultation > consult (명령문; 동사가 있어야 한다)

*available 이용할 수 있는, 구할 수 있는

*consult ~를 참조하다

*terminal 단말기

*reference desk 조회 데스크

153. Mr. Webber (was taken surprise) when he was told the building he was working on had a severe structural flaw.

- was taken surprise > was taken by surprise (숙어)

*be taken by surprise = be surprised 놀라다

*take ~ by surprise: ~를 기습하다, 놀라게 하다

*the building (which) he worked on

*severe = serious 심각한

*structural flaw 구조적인 결함

154. At our company meeting the marketing analyst reported that we have too (much) sales representatives in Europe these days.

- much > many

*數: numerous, a number of, many, several, a few, few

*量: much, a great deal of, a little, little

*數/量공통: all, no, some, any, enough, a lot of, lots of, plenty of

*marketing analyst 마케팅 분석가

*analysis 분석

*analyze 분석하다

*sales representative 판매대리점, 영업사원

*these days 요즈음

155. All passengers must present their boarding passes to the (designate) agent at the airport gate.

- designate > designated (명사 앞 형용사)

*present 제시하다

*boarding pass 탑승권

*designated 지정된

*agent 직원

*at the airport gate 공항 정문에

156. (Without) we receive a definite commitment by the end of the month, we will be forced to reconsider our original proposal.

- Without > Unless (ꡒ주어 + 동사ꡓ 앞에는 접속사)

*unless = if ~ not: ~하지 않는다면

*definite 명확한

*commitment 약속

*by the end of the month 이 달 말까지

*at the end of the month 이 달 말에

(x) on the end of the month

*be forced to do = be compelled/obliged to do = can't help -ing = can't but do ~하지 않을 수 없다

*reconsider 재고하다

*original proposal 제안서 원본

157. The governor's panel of experts reported that supervisors should continue to review (safety standard) on a regular basis.

- safety standard > safety standards (가산명사)

*governor 주지사

*panel of experts 전문가 위원단

*supervisor 감독관, 관리자

*review 검토하다

*safety standards 안전 기준

*on a regular basis 정기적으로 = regularly

*on a daily basis 매일 = daily

158. For each workshop, you must register and pay prior to the date on which the conference (begin).

- begin > begins (수의 일치)

*register 등록하다

*prior to ~전에 = before

*the date on which = the date when

*conference 회의 = meeting, workshop, session, course

159. Francesca Rosati (is perfect) candidate for the position because of her experience in administration.

- is perfect > is a perfect (가산명사)

*a perfect candidate for the position 그 직책에 맞는 후보

*because of + 명사

*because + 주어 + 동사

*experience in administration 관리직 경력

160. Travel club application forms (can find) in front of the main desk in the hotel lobby.

- can find > can be found (수동태)

*application form 신청서, 지원서

*main desk = front desk = reception 접수처

실전테스트 2

파트 5

101. Private financing can _____ a variety of forms.

a) do b) take c) make d) occur

- take

*take forms 형태를 취하다

*private financing 개인 융자

*a variety of = various = diverse 다양한

102. It is one of the most _____ books on the topic.

a) interests b) interested c) interesting d) interest

- interesting

*one of the 최상급 + 복수명사

*He is intersting.

*He is interested in music.

*The movie was interesting.

*The movie was interested. (x)

*on the topic 그 주제에 관한

103. The corporate headquarters are located in the capital _____ the country.

a) in b) to c) for d) of

- of

*the capital of the country 그 나라의 수도 (소속의 of)

*the corporate headquarters 그 회사의 본사

*be located at/in ~에 위치하다

104. The satellite photographed a _____ moon in orbit around Saturn.

a) previous undetecting b) previously undetecting

c) previous undetected d) previously undetected

- previously undetected

*관사 + 부사 + 형용사 + 명사

*satellite 위성

*prevously 전에

*undetected 발견되지 않은

*in orbit 궤도상에 있는

*Saturn 토성

*Mercuty 수성, Venus 금성, Earth 지구, Mars 화성, Jupiter 목성, Saturn 토성, Uranus 천왕성, Neptune 해왕성, Pluto 명왕성

105. The trend toward shorter working hours _____.

a) continuation b) continues c) continually d) continuous

- continues (동사가 필요함)

*trend toward ~로 향하는 경향, 동향

*working hours 근무 시간

106. Inflation is _____ to affect personal spending quite a bit in July.

a) likely b) aptly c) depending d) presuming

- likely

*be likely to do: ~할 것 같다 = be apt/liable to do = have a tendency to do = tend to do

*affect ~에 영향을 미치다 = have an effect on

*personal spending 개인 소비

*quite a bit 상당히

107. Mrs. Kawabata is ready to see you now. Thank you for _____.

a) wait b) waiting c) waited d) to wait

- waiting (전치사 + -ing)

*be ready to do: ~할 준비가 되어 있다

108. Executives of small companies earn _____ salaries on the west coast than on the east coast.

a) more b) taller c) richer d) higher

- higher

*money - much, little

*salary, wages, price - high, low

*executive 중역

*earn a salary

*earn wages

*비교급 + than

109. You need about forty different nutrients to stay _____.

a) health b) healthy c) healthily d) healthiness

- healthy

*remain/stay/seem/appear + 형용사 보어

*nutrient 영양소

*stay healthy = stay in shape = stay fit 건강을 유지하다

110. The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only _____ the hot, humid air.

a) stirred up b) poured through c) turned into d) cut back

- stirred up

*ceiling fan 천장 선풍기

*stir up 일으키다, 휘젓다

*humid 습도가 높은

111. Quarterly earnings are _____ reported to the shareholders.

a) ever b) rare c) seldom d) unusually

- seldom (부사)

*quarterly earnings 분기별 수익

*seldom = rarely 좀처럼 ~ 않다

*shareholder = stockholder 주주

112. Unfortunately, there are _____ will probably not respect the arbiter's decision.

a) of whom b) whoever c) which d) those who

- those who (관계대명사)

*those who ~하는 사람들

*arbiter 중재인

113. Dance is the subject of _____ movies playing over the holiday season.

a) none b) any c) hardly d) several

- several

*數: many, numerous, several, a few, few + 복수

*量: much, a little, little + 단수

*數量 공통: all, no, some/any, enough, plenty of, lots of, a lot of

*subject 주제

*over the holiday season 휴일동안

114. It is worth examining the _____ nations can take to facilitate the removal of trade barriers.

a) stages b) levels c) steps d) grades

- steps

*be worth ~ing: ~할 가치가 있다

*take steps/measures/actions 조치를 취하다

*facilitate 용이하게 하다

*removal 제거

*remove = get rid of = eliminate 제거하다

*trade barriers 무역 장벽

115. I _____ a heavy workload this month.

a) to have b) have c) am having d) having

- have

*a heavy workload 많은 업무량

*지각/인식/계속/상태/소유 동사는 진행형 불가

116. Today many managers reward only good performers and tend to dismiss _____ employees more frequently.

a) incompetent b) inevitable c) incisive d) intact

- incompetent

*reward 보상하다

*good performers 실적이 우수한 자

*tend to do = be likely/apt/liable to do ~하는 경향이 있다

*dismiss = lay off = sack = fire 해고하다

*frequently 빈번하게

117. The work orders have been _____ to the production department.

a) released b) reduced c) remarked d) resisted

- released

*work orders 작업 공정

*release 발표하다

*have been released 현재완료수동태

118. Automobiles are put _____ of gear by moving the gearshidt to neutral.

a) across b) off c) above d) out

- out

*put ~ out of gear 기어를 풀다

*put ~ in gear 기어를 넣다

*gearshift 변속레버

*neutral 중립

119. This identification card is valid as long as your policy remains in _____.

a) check b) effect c) power d) payment

- effect

*valid 유효한 = in effect

*policy 보험증서

*as long as: 1) while 2) if

120. Mr. Kekkonen accused Boris of _____ when he handed in his report a week late.

a) professing b) proliferating c) profiling d) procrastinating

- procrastinating

*accuse A of B = blame A for B = charge A with B: B 때문에 A를 비난하다

*hand in = turn in = send in = submit 제출하다

*procrastinate 지체하다

121. From the turn of the century, concern for wildlife _____ to numerous international conservation program.

a) lead b) leads c) has led d) is leading

- has led

*from the turn od the century 21세기초부터

*concern 관심, 우려

*wildlife 야생생물

*lead to = result in 결과: ~에 이르다

*numerous 수많은

*conservation 보존, 보호

122. When corporations decide to buy life insurance for their executives, the various plans should be _____ like any other financial commitment.

a) evaluated b) estimated c) contributed d) acquainted

- evaluated

*life insurance 생명보험

*executive 중역, 간부

*various = diverse = a variety of 다양한

*evaluate 평가하다

*commitment 의무, 약속

123. To vacation at that mountain resort, you must make reservations two or three months _____.

a) first b) beforehand c) advanced d) forward

- beforehand

*beforehand = in advance 미리, 사전에

*vacation 휴가를 보내다

*make a reservation 예약하다

124. Information listed in this timetable is subject to change without _____.

a) observation b) stress c) presentation d) notice

- notice

*timetable 시간표

*be subject to 명사

*be subject to change 변경되기 쉽다

*without notice 예고 없이

125. Practically _____ in the group passed up the opportunity to attend the computer skills seminar.

a) each one b) anyone c) someone d) no one

- no one

*pass up 놓치다 (miss)

*practically 사실상

*문맥상 no one (사실상 아무도 ~ 하지 않았다)

126. The human heart is wider at the top _____ at the bottom.

a) but b) from c) than d) as

- than

*비교급 ~ than

*as 원급 as ~

127. Mrs. Baker gave a short speech after lunch to express her _____ for the retirement gift.

a) appeasement b) applause c) apportionment d) appreciation

- appreciation 감사

*retirement 은퇴

*give/make/deliver a speech 연설하다

*express 표현하다

128. After four years in domestic sales, Mr. LeConte _____ was able to transfer to the international division.

a) finally b) following c) conclusively d) in ending

- finally

*domestic sales 국내영업부

*finally = at last = in the end = eventually = in the long run 결국

*transfer to ~로 전근가다

*international division 국제부

129. In this company there has been little _____ for the needs of part-time workers.

a) favor b) regard c) reception d) manners

- b

*regard for ~에 대한 관심

*little 거의 없다

130. Economic experts believe there will be a gradual _____ in October.

a) slowdown b) rundown c) closedown d) countdown

- a

*economic expert 경제 전문가

*gradual 점차적인

*경기침체: slowdown, recession, slump, decline, downturn

*closedown 공장 폐쇄

131. Coral, popular for necklaces, _____ made of tiny sea animals.

a) and b) which c) is d) it

- c (본동사 자리)

*coral 산호

*(which is) popular for

*necklace 목걸이

*be made of ~로 만들어진다

*tiny = very small

132. One of the major responsibilities for this position is to approve proposals and to _____ their implementation.

a) override b) oversee c) overbear d) overcome

- b

*responsibility 책임, 의무 = duty, obligation

*approve 승인하다

*proposal 제안서 = suggestion, plan

*oversee 감독하다 = supervise

*implementation 이행, 실행

*implement 실행하다

133. Participation in the saving plan is _____, but often reaches ninety percent.

a) voluntary b) volunteer c) voluntarily d) volunteering

- a

*participation 참가

*saving plan 저축 계획

*be/become/remain/seem/stay + 형용사

*voluntary 자발적인

*volunteer 자원봉사자

134. I am surprised they moved your office next to _____.

a) mine b) my c) I d) myself

- a

*I - my - me - mine - myself

*next to ~옆에

*mine = my office

135. The comptroller has _____ that in ten years the space used by the research department will have to double.

a) premeditated b) prepared c) preceded d) predicted

- d

*comptroller 감사관

*in ten years 10년 후에

*predict that ~: 예상하다

*double 두배가 되다

136. For the new museum visitor _____ for the veteran museum goer, the Museum Highlights Tour offers an excellent opportunity to see the most popular exhibits.

a) too b) in addition to c) as well as d) further

- c

*B as well as A = not only A but also B = both A and B

*veteran 숙련된 = experienced

*opportunity to do: ~할 기회

*exhibit 전시품; 전시하다

*exhibition 전시회

137. _____ in local bus service have brought increased business to the area.

a) Lifts b) Progressions c) Improvements d) Elevations

- c

*improvements 개선, 향상

*local 현지의

138. The recession is not expected to _____ until year's end.

a) abandon b) abduct c) abate d) abdicate

- c

*recession = slump = downturn = decline = slowdown 경기후퇴

*be expected to do ~할 것으로 예상되다

*abate = decrease 감소하다

139. The bank invites you to keep your securities safe in our vault _____ strict audit controls.

a) herein b) inside c) beneath d) under

- d

*invite 목 to do: 권유하다

*securities 유가증권

*vault 금고실

*under strict audit controls 엄격한 감사통제하에 있는

140. Before _____ a particular distribution strategy, a segment of the market should be tested.

a) influencing b) adopting c) engaging d) founding

- b

*adopt 채택하다

*particular 특정한

*distribution strategy 판매/유통 전략

*segment 부분 = part

실전테스트 2

파트 6

141. The corporation adopted (his) present name in 1981.

*his > its (대명사의 일치)

*adopt 채택하다

*adapt 적응하다

*present 현재의 = current

142. That client is used to receiving (promptly) attention.

*promptly > prompt (명사 앞 형용사)

*prompt 신속한

*promptly 즉시

*client 고객

*be used to 명/-ing = be accustomed to 명/-ing: ~에 익숙하다

*used to do: ~하곤 했다

*be used to do: ~하기 위해 사용되다 (수동태)

*attention 주의, 관심

143. Twenty-four banks (they have agreed) on a formula to refinance 1.6 billion of the country's short-term foreign debt.

*they have agreed > have agreed (주어의 중복)

*agree on ~에 대해 합의하다

*formula = solution 해결책

*refinance 상환하다

*foreign debt 외채

144. (Almost) students were able to find good jobs three to six months after graduation.

*Almost > Most

*대부분의 학생들: Almost all the students = Most students = Most of the students

*graduation 졸업

145. We are waiving the entrance fees for the duration of registration, which (run) until the end of August.

*run > runs

(선행사가 duration, 단수)

*waive 보류하다

*entrance fee 입장료

*for the duration of = during

*run 지속되다

146. A flurry of promising economic news (in last) ten days has caused analysts to revise their forecasts for the stock's growth.

*in last > in the last

(지난 ~동안)

cf. 앞으로 10일 동안: over the next ten days

*a flurry of 쇄도하는

*promising news 유망한 소식

*analyst 분석가

*revise 수정하다

*forecast 전망

147. Local government workers in this state generally are underpaid relative to their counterparts in (another) industrialized states.

*another > other

(other + 복수, another + 단수)

*local government worker 지방공무원

*underpaid 박봉의

*relative to ~에 비해서 = compared with = in comparison with

*counterparts = local government workers

*industrialized 산업화된 = advanced

148. Due to the popularity of the stars, theater patrons are advised to contact the box office as soon as (possibly).

*possibly > possible

(as soon as possible 가능한 한 빨리)

*due to 명 = because of 명

*popularity 인기

*patron 후원자, 고객

*box office 매표소

149. The passport is a traveler's primary (meaning) of identification abroad.

*meaning > means

*primary = first

*meaning 의미

*means 수단

*identification 신분증

*abroad = overseas

150. The format in which the data is presented in this research paper shows how efficient Miss Cho (does).

*does > is

(efficient를 보어로 받는 2형식동사 필요)

*format = system

*present 제시하다

*research paper 연구 논문

*efficient = competent 능력 있는; 효율적인

151. The (amount material) published on the general topic has tripled since March.

*amount material > amount of material

(자료의 양)

*material = data

*(which is) published ~

*on ~에 관하여

*general topic 일반적인 주제

*triple 3배가 되다

*double 2배가 되다

*현재완료 + since + 과거

152. A video telephone enabling two people to talk to and (watching) each other has been patented by two inventors.

*watching > to watch

(병렬구문: A and B, A or B)

*enable A to do: 가능하게 하다

*patent 특허를 얻다

*inventor 발명가

153. The strike began unexpectedly, just (slightly only) more than a week after the national elections.

*slightly only > slightly (의미 중복)

*strike 파업

*go on strike 파업을 하다

*unexpectedly = suddenly = all of a sudden

154. (Informations) about the meetings can be obtained by calling the Berlin Chamber of Commerce.

*Informations > Information (불가산명사)

*can be obtained = is obtainable = is available

*by ~ing: ~함으로써

*Chamber of Commerce 상공회의소

155. Export law (it became) a key factor in international trade.

*it became > became (주어의 중복)

*key = important

*factor 요소

*international trade 국제 교역

156. Before playing tennis, Simon had to get his (hairs) cut.

*hairs > hair (불가산명사)

*get one's hair cut: 이발하다

157. The machine's different typing elements have been carefully designed to provide outstanding (durable).

*durable > durability (형용사 + 명사)

*typing element 인쇄활자

*outstanding 뛰어난; 미해결된

*durable 내구성 있는

*durability 내구성

158. There have been (much) disputes over the proper way to train child actors.

*much > many

*수: many, numerous, several, a few, few

*양: much, a little, little

*dispute 논쟁

159. A slow-moving area of low (press) will continue to spread cloudiness and showers across the metropolitan area tonight.

*press > pressure

*low pressure 저기압

*spread - spread - spread 퍼뜨리다

*metropolitan area 수도권 지역

160. The recording industry is in the midst of change, (either) creatively and financially.

*either > both

*상관접속사: both A and B, either A or B, neither A nor B, not only A but also B, B as well as A, whether A or B

*in the midst of = in the middle of

*creatively 창작 면에서

*financially 재정적으로

본인의 아이피 주소 확인과 위치 추적